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    News and Events

    Our school held a general meeting for all faculty and staff for the new semester and the conference of work report

    • Updated:2024-03-17
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    On the morning of March 15th, our school held a general meeting for all faculty and staff for the new semester and the conference of work report.


    At the beginning of the meeting, a new faculty introduction ceremony was held to welcome the faculty and encourage the new teachers to integrate into the school family as soon as possible and make progress together with the school.


    During the work report session, members of the school's leadership team reported on their respective areas of responsibility, focusing on highlights, achievements, areas for improvement in 2023, and key points for work in 2024. Full-time teachers summarized their personal professional ethics, teaching and research, social services, public service contributions to the school, and plans for 2024. Staff reported on their work in serving the school's central functions.


    Dean Li Guanghui fully affirmed the achievements of the school in the past year and expressed his gratitude to the faculty and staff for their contribution. Secondly, he hoped that the faculty and staff would systematically sort out their work, comprehensively summarize their experience, analyze the gaps, expand their work ideas, and build up their development momentum through the evaluation of their duties. Finally, he outlined the school's deployment for 2024 to implement the principles of "innovation, excellence, and comprehensive first-class status," including: First, improving the management system to create a solid, fair, and just atmosphere. Second, enhancing the reward mechanism and improving the assessment system. Third, strengthening the foundation of disciplines, building a distinctive and first-class education system, and improving the quality of talent cultivation. Fourth, focusing on the two characteristics of "ASEAN" and "border areas," implementing the construction of "big teams, big achievements, big platforms, and big projects." Fifth, expanding external communication channels to serve national strategic needs such as major regional strategies and development plans. Sixth, accelerating the construction of English and Chinese websites to expand influence.



    Edited by:Yeqiu Li

    Translated by:Lu Miao

  • ADD:No.100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China


    Email: gsc@gxu.edu.cn
