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    Our party committee's themed party day activities were held in Pingxiang and Longzhou

    • Updated:2024-01-15
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    In order to thoroughly implement the important speech spirit of Chinese President Xi Jinping during the recent inspection of Guangxi, Professor Lu Shanyong , Secretary of the Party Committee of the college, led a team of 20 people to Pingxiang and Longzhou in Guangxi from December 29 to 30, 2023, to carry out the "Economic and Social Welfare for the People, Follow the Party" themed party day activity with the theme of "Continuing the Red Blood, Serving ASEAN Cooperation, and Supporting Border Development".


    On December 29th, the college party members of faculty and students exchanged and discussed the situation and future development of promoting economic and trade exchanges with ASEAN through friendly customs and port services. Subsequently,   the college party members went to Friendship Pass to learn about the history of the Chinese nation's fearlessness against foreign aggression, winning liberation, and achieving economic development achievements. The party members realized that Friendship Pass is an important relationship for political, economic, and cultural exchanges between China and Vietnam. Moreover, they went to Pingxiang Comprehensive Bonded Zone to investigate the economic and trade development of border areas, understand the preferential policies provided by the country for border development and mutual trade among border residents, expand learning and research ideas, and enrich the direction of student employment.

    On December 30th, the college party members of faculty and students went to the port in Shuikou Town, Longzhou County for research. They have understanded the practical role and development opportunities of important economic and trade channels along the China Vietnam border, and realized the responsibility in promoting high-quality development of border ethnic areas and China ASEAN economic and trade exchanges and cooperation. Subsequently, they went to the former site of the Eighth Army Headquarters of the Chinese Red Army to review the tremendous contributions made by proletarian revolutionaries for national independence and national liberation, Enhancing the determination of students to inherit the legacy of their predecessors and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, national prosperity, and people's happiness. Finally, the faculty and students went to the Longzhou Uprising Memorial Hall to review their oath of joining the party.


    Professor Lu Shanyong, Secretary of the Party Committee, summarized the Party Day event and stated that in the new year, the Party building will continuously lead the various undertakings of the college to achieve high-quality development, making contributions to serving China ASEAN financial and economic cooperation and assisting the development of the border economy.


    Edited by:Yeqiu Li

    Translated by:Fang Hu

  • ADD:No.100 Daxue Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China


    Email: gsc@gxu.edu.cn
